SPA Petrol, Update, Improve and Renew

This SPA Petrol Update course provides updated information and areas of responsibility for health, safety and environment concentrating on risks specifically found when working on Petrol Forecourts. To understand the implications of hazard recognition/risk assessment and the effects on individuals and the employer. To demonstrate how individual behaviour can help reduce accidents

SPA Petrol Update modules include Start of the day preparations, the contractor, work and personal protective equipment Paperwork review, risk assessments, method statements, clearance certificates and permits Driving for work hazards and controls, pre work safety check list, communications Fuel hazards, hazardous areas and control measures Excavations and work at height, confined spaces and electricity on a forecourt Hazardous substances and controls, noise and vibration Environmental considerations and control measures

SPA Petrol Update delegates will understand the implications of hazard recognition/risk assessment and the effects on individuals and the employer
On completion of the course delegates will have the knowledge to:
Demonstrate their understanding of the subjects by successfully completing each module assessment paper
Appreciate how they personally can influence good standards within health safety & environment
Understand the value of risk assessment and have the knowledge to recognise when change to a generic assessment is required
Understand the common hazards associated with working in this sector
After the successful completion of the course a passport will be issued with a three year expiry date

Successfully completing all assessment papers will result in a safety passport being issued. The renewed passport is valid for 3 years and can be refreshed anytime during the 6 months before the expiry date

Our public courses are delivered at our training centres The Court in Southam, Warwickshire and The Mount in Bromsgrove, Worcestershire. Alternatively, if you have a group of people we can deliver this course at your premises. Talk to us about your requirements and our competitive in-company training rates

prices exclude passport fee and VAT

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Petrol Update, Improve and Renew

Price: £130.00

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